FLOW: A solo exhibition of oil paintings, by Lynette Blake.
Nu Movement
716 University Ave.
Feb 5, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The exhibition is: 1/1/2016- 3/6/2016
First Friday Receptions: 2/5/2016 & 3/4/2016 (6-9)
Gallery Hours: By appointment only, or by attending a scheduled class. Appointments can be made by contacting NuMovement’s curator, Amy Vena at venaamy@yahoo.com. For more information on Nu Movement, please visit: http://numvmnt.com/
50% of any sales will be donated to Water for South Sudan. You can get information about their organization at waterforsouthsudan.org
Creating artworks has been a life-long endeavor for Lynette Blake. She majored in art at Brown University, where she was a student of Edward Koren, well known for his quirky cartoon drawings popularized in New Yorker Magazine.  Her work has been shown at the Oxford Gallery, The Geisel Gallery, Williams Gallery and Steve Carpenter Gallery in Rochester, New York; Ock Hee’s Gallery in Honeoye Falls, New York; at the former Vagabond Gallery in Canandaigua, New York; at the Delavan and Szozda Galleries in Syracuse, New York; Buffalo Trails Gallery in Jackson Hole, Wyoming; and Gallery 44 in Ellicott City, Maryland; as well as in exhibition spaces in Connecticut and New Hampshire.
In addition to her painting, Lynette is a serious amateur singer, a charter member of the Renaissance vocal ensemble Musica Spei (Music of Hope), and holds a black belt, third degree, in Taekwondo.
For more information on Lynette Blake, please visit: http://lynetteblake.com/