Lola Flash: AIDSFLASHback and LOOPS
Visual Studies Workshop
31 Prince St.
Sep 7, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

AIDS FLASHback focuses on Lola Flash’s previous work as an activist during the AIDS crisis in NYC in the late 1980s and 90s. Some are images from demonstrations in New York and Washington DC, and others are reflections on the many friends she lost in that time. AIDS FLASHback is presented in collaboration with the ImageOut Film Festival. Gallery talk with Flash at 6 pm. // LOOPS is an exhibition of multi-media installations and performances that address the phenomena of the loop in form and concept, incorporating feedback, repetition, cycles, ellipses, orbits, rotations, and other situations in which the finite meets the infinite.  More than 15 regional and national artists will display video installations, games, audio environments, animatronic space buckets, orbiting weather balloons, real-time algorithms, noise sculptures, music and other media in and around the VSW auditorium.